January 10, 2010

New year changes

Yes, it's a new layout for elevage as we near our five-year anniversary of wine writing. I suppose "new" layout is stretching it. Blogger still has pretty much the same options as five years ago. Only this one seems inspiring to me, especially to add some features and make best use of the space on your screen. Yes, I know there are lots of free blogger templates out there. I just can't find one that fits. So here we are. I like it. Let me know what you think.


Unknown said...

Vincent - the updated look is sharp and flows well. Good job. Did you outsource the webwork, or do in in-house?

Vincent Fritzsche said...

I do it all. It's one of many Blogger templates that with gadgets that make it easy to add all kinds of things, without requiring serious technical capability. Thanks for the feedback.